Tuesday, 11 March 2025

This Is How Women Want To Force Men To COMMIT After Their Prime | Pearl ...

Main Themes in the Comments

Ultimatums & Regret

  • @WillMartin7293 (339 likes, 28 replies):
    "My ex-gf tried the ultimatum option. Her problem was that she admitted she wanted us to get 'married' because she could hear her biological clock ticking away, plus she wanted the material benefits of it. At the critical moment in making her case, she also said she wanted to have a 'girl's night out' at least once a month. That extra bit of truth told me she wasn't serious about entering marriage. She just wanted me to be on the hook for what I could provide her while she kept her options open with other dudes. I told flatly told her, 'No, I'm not going to do that'". I so much wish I had broken up with her years earlier. It would have saved me so much time, money, and angst."

  • @Juansola4121 (49 likes, 6 replies):
    "My ex give me the ultimatum and it ended the relationship. Never accept one. If she gives you one and you comply, you lose."

  • @JosephSkowronski (67 likes, 3 replies):
    "The few times I was ever given an ultimatum I said 'sure but I will stop working so you'll have to support me'! Never failed, they told me what they thought of my idea in words unsuitable for younger audiences."

Skepticism Toward Marriage

  • @Gabrielnobre (2 likes):
    "I can say that I will never simp for my wife (I'm 41)....the reason is pretty simple: I WILL NEVER MARRY OR LIVE TOGETHER! So it makes kind of impossible for me to simp for a wife."

  • @Kentaro.7759 (6 likes):
    "I'd never get married. There's no benefit for me for the long term."

  • @M9Saville (55 likes):
    "I can't think of anything else that becomes more expensive the more used and abused it's been. But most women seem to think they do."

  • @KevinRTres (44 likes, 1 reply):
    "I love that you say it so plainly - they want a WEDDING - but NOT the marriage!!!! They want their show but don't want to do the service!"

Success After Breakups

  • @Eponz4354 (34 likes, 3 replies):
    "My x wife left me 23 years ago. She said she could do better. It been the gift that keeps on giving. Nowadays I living on my ranch, have rental property, plenty of cash coming in, vacations, two businesses, one year til retirement, and have a great relationship with my kids. Never married again."

  • @Adamosity7127 (113 likes, 8 replies):
    "I was married for 24 years. My ex still lives with me and is still mother to my adult children. Now I can sleep knowing her creditors can not come after me and I am free to roam with whoever I want. She is much better friend than wife. Men, DO NOT GET MARRIED. You do not need a contract to have children."

  • @Stevedavis6618 (3 likes, 1 reply):
    "I ended my 20 year marriage after I finally realized that my wife wanted to be a wife and mother but it didn't matter who her husband was. I want a wife who wants me, not the circumstances. Never have found one."

Changing Priorities with Age

  • @Evelynbeverley2277 (5 likes):
    *"Hi Pearly, thanks for being a voice of clarity. My experience, as a man, once you cross over into your later 50's the script changes dramatically. Things speed up. At 60 suddenly I was widowed. We were a wonderful match, so it was hard. A couple years later I'm trying the dating scene and wow. Single women over mid 50's want that ring! Like desperately. And I am not doing that again (unless maybe we are a perfect match). It's a deal breaker. I'm retired, wealthy

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