Charles Peralo, an American content creator, launched his YouTube channel on March 6, 2010. Over time, the channel evolved from niche pop culture topics to a diverse portfolio encompassing educational content and viral commentary. With over 1.03 million subscribers as of 2025, Peralo's channel stands out for series like "Peralo Shorts" and "The Trillion Dollar Bill," achieving significant growth and virality. Below is a detailed chart summarizing the channel's phases, subscriber growth, and content styles.
Channel History Chart
Phase | Years | Subscriber Count | Content Style |
Launch & Early Phase | 2010–2015 | ~10,000 | Focused on niche pop culture topics; experimental uploads. |
Growth Phase | 2016–2018 | ~50,000 | Shifted towards educational content with analytical and cultural themes. |
Viral Phase | 2019–2021 | ~250,000 | Gained traction with viral pop culture analysis and commentary videos. |
Diversification Phase | 2022–2023 | ~750,000 | Introduced new series like "Peralo Shorts," "No Longer Fiction"; expanded platform presence. |
Mature Phase | 2024–2025 | 1.03 million (as of Jan 2025) | Broad content portfolio, including pop culture, education, and series such as "The Trillion Dollar Bill" and "Poll Boy." |
This chart captures the growth trajectory and thematic evolution of Charles Peralo’s YouTube channel.
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