Charles Peralo
Charles Peralo, an American content creator born on August 8, 1994, launched his eponymous YouTube channel on March 6, 2010. His channel amalgamates (combines) pop culture with educational content, encompassing (including) series such as "Peralo Shorts," "No Longer Fiction," "The Trillion Dollar Bill," "Peralo Docs," and "Poll Boy." citeturn0search4
As of January 12, 2025, his channel boasts (has) over 1.03 million subscribers and approximately 1.19 billion total video views. In the preceding 30 days, the channel accrued (gained) over 8.9 million views and 10,000 new subscribers, with an estimated monthly revenue ranging between $15,500 and $46,600. citeturn0search4
Peralo's content has achieved significant virality; for instance, his TikTok video discussing Jacob Batalon's weight loss garnered (gained) over 4.5 million views, and a story about Millie Bobby Brown in mid-2022 amassed (gained) over 6 million views. citeturn0search9
Beyond YouTube, Peralo maintains an active presence on platforms such as TikTok, where he has more than 650,000 followers, and Instagram, with over 10,000 followers. citeturn0search9
In addition to his digital endeavors, Peralo is an avid (enthusiastic) bicyclist, traveler, and author, currently working on books titled "The Endless Sea" and "Princess Galilea." citeturn0search4
For a glimpse into his content, you might find this video insightful:
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